Practice Areas
Operational Reviews
Guidance and support in streamlining your processes and procedures in order to improve profitability and increase efficiencies. It is imperative that your operations and structure support your mission and objectives.
You may need a professional operational review if you answer no or are unsure of your answer to these questions:
- Are you doing things just because that's how they've always been done?
- Are your day to day operations working smoothly?
- Is your company organized in an optimal manner?
- Do you have the right people in the right place at the right time?
- Do you have adequate resources to implement your short term and long term strategy?
Operational review will provide results, options, opportunities and risk analysis including recommendations that ensure all policies and procedures are optimized.
Management Accounting
Emergency professional support when required due to a project going off track, unexpected transition of senior staff, grant deadlines looming or unexpected sick leave of key personnel.
Customized reporting packages for monthly, quarterly or annual reporting to owners, shareholders, bankers, potential investors or employees.
Assistance with funding applications, bank financing applications or government reporting requirements. Business plan preparation.
Review historical financial statements for opportunities to reduce costs, increase efficiencies or increase revenue.
Review vendor contracts and purchasing trends to recommend proven methods to increase efficiency and reduct costs. Negotiate discounts, extended terms or bulk purchase incentives.
Review accounts receivable trends and current outstanding balances to recommend proven methords to reduce average days outstanding which significantly improves cash flow and reduces interest expense on operating debt.
Contract review and negotiation for commercial real estate needs. Commercial lease review and negotiation.
Buying or Selling a Business
Guidance in preparing corporate presentation material for potential purchasers.
Due diligence checklists to ensure all relevant information is gathered and distributed.
Compilation of data in easy to use electronic data room for easy access across the globe.
Review of target's prior years financial statemetns, forecasts and due diligence documents to minimize risk of unreported or understated liabilities and to verify reasonableness of assets and projected revenues.
Coordinate with bankers and lawyers to ensure all relevant docuemtns are presented or received as requested.
Assit in obtaining financing for the purchase of a business.
Integration of acquired business into your existing enterprise or coordination of the transfer of your existing exterprise to the successful purchaser.
Review current processes.
Recommend appropriate procedures for comprehensive enterprise wide budgeting.
Budget by project, department or enterprise level.
Seek active participation from all users.
Propose tried and tested templates and guidelines for timely, accurate budgeting including cash flow, balance sheet, revenue and expense lines.
Setup guidelines and timelines for monthly, quarterly and annual review of actuals to budget to detrmine effectiveness of budget process.
Human Resources
Assist with sourcing candidates.
Develop or review exisiting human resources policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legislation and alignment with corporate goals.
Training programs including accounting for supervisors, basic budgeting techniques, cash flow forecasting, and accounting software.
Other Practice Areas:
Tax return preparation - personal, corporate, GST, PST.
Accounting Software selection, training and installation.
Cash Management - daily, weekly or monthly cash flow forecasting models. Ensure you have the cash ready when you need it.
Bookkeeping - small or large, personal or corporate.
Stragetic planning, goal setting.